This Classic Bridal Bouquet includes red rose, pink rose and white Eustoma (Lisianthus) in round style.
Another wedding-best-choice bouquet.
This type of bridal bouquets is a classic choice for brides. They’re perfect for petite brides, bridesmaids and flower girls as it is a smaller bouquet.
This type of style consists of a small round bouquet that is tied with a decorative ribbon and is easy to hold in one hand.
We have over a hundred different types of ribbons, with varying colours and sizes, making this bridal bouquet ideal for any bride, wedding season or theme.
If you wish to have different type of ribbon, let us know.
AfterRainFlorist provides Beautiful Wedding Flower Bouquet, Modern Bridal Bouquet and Classic ROM (Registration of marriage) Bouquet.
It includes Fresh bloom, Artificial Bridal Bouquet, Preserved wedding Bouquet & Mix of them.
Let us know your preference and budget, we can customize based on your preference. 🙂
Red Pink White Theme Mixed Flower Wedding Fresh Flower Bouquet | ROM Bridal Bouquet | 结婚注册新娘圆形手捧花 | Bunga Tangan Pengantin Warna Red pink dan Putih| Bunga Mawar Kahwin | AfterRainBridal | 精致玫瑰桔梗注册领证手捧花束 | 红粉红白色系婚礼手捧花艺 | Classic Red and pink Color Rose and White Eustoma Round Style Bouquet | Suitable for Kua | 中国风中式婚礼裙褂手拿花束 | 经典圆形婚纱照手拿花
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