This Affordable Bridal Bouquet includes white roses only. It is curated in round style.
A very classic type of bridal bouquet, classy yet affordable.
Pair all-white roses with a lace ribbon to bring the look together.
White roses bouquets contribute to the idea of purity and innocence which wedding dresses usually reflect.
This is a very positive colour which makes you feel relaxed.
There are over a hundred different types of roses, with varying colours and sizes, making this flower ideal for any bride, wedding season or theme.
If you wish to have different type of color combination, let us know.
AfterRainFlorist provides Beautiful Wedding Flower Bouquet, Modern Bridal Bouquet and Classic ROM (Registration of marriage) Bouquet.
It includes Fresh bloom, Artificial Bridal Bouquet, Preserved wedding Bouquet & Mix of them.
Let us know your preference and budget, we can customize based on your preference. 🙂
Pure White Theme Wedding Fresh Flower Bouquet | Minimalist ROM Bridal Bouquet | 结婚注册新娘圆形手捧花 | Bunga Tangan Pengantin Warna Putih | Bunga Mawar Kahwin | AfterRainBridal | 精致白玫瑰注册领证手捧花束 | 简约白色系婚礼手捧花艺 | White Rose Round Style Bouquet | 经典圆形婚纱照手拿花
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