The White Rose Bouquet that speaks thousand words.
The Message Fresh Flower Bouquet includes fresh blooms flower such as White Roses & Eucalyptus.
Some say words can’t express how much a person feel.
Let this White Rose bouquet be the best gift to show your love and emotions.
We provide daily bouquets such as Flower Bouquet, Dried & Preserved Flower Bouquet, Fresh Bloom Flower Bouquet. Besides that, we also provide Flower Customization, Anniversary Flowers, Birthday Flowers, Gift Flower and Seasonal Bloom
AfterRainFlorist is an Online Florist and Event & Wedding Decorator that is based in Petaling Jaya. We provide flower delivery within Kuala Lumpur & Petaling Jaya.
AfterRainFlorist provides FREE delivery within selected areas of Petaling Jaya (PJ) and Kuala Lumpur (KL) with minimum purchase of RM150!
Check if you are eligible for the FREE delivery by checking if you are within 15km from our studio! (Terms & Conditions apply)
If you could not find any designs in our website, you can always give us a call (+601159211898) for customization.
We love to help brainstorm flower design that speaks you.
Let this great opportunity to send best regards to your loved one.
Let us be your messenger of love & passion
Flower Bouquet | Fresh Bloom Bouquet | Rose Bouquet | Birthday Bouquet | Anniversary Gift
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